I’ve felt a little disconnected lately. Slightly off. You?
So I came back to a morning blessing that helps me elevate out of my human monkey mind and into a higher consciousness. It creates a sacred space and helps me to instantly feel connected to the divine. It works. It’s helping.
It’s a Q’ero Blessing called “Honor The Four Directions”
Here it is:
To the Winds of the South, Great Serpent
Mother of the life giving waters
Wrap your coils of light around me
Remind me of how to let go and shed old ways of being
Teach me to walk the way of beauty
To the Winds of the West, Mother Jaguar
Support me as I see my own fears
Teach me how to transform my fears into love
Remind me of how to live with impeccability
May I have no enemies in the lifetime or the next.
To the Winds of the North, Royal Hummingbird, Ancient Ones.
Teach me about your endurance and your great joy
Come to me in the dreamtime, with honor I greet you.
To the Winds of the East, Eagle, Condor
Great Visionary, remind me to lead from my pure heart
Teach me to soar to new places, to fly wing to wing with Spirit
Mother Earth, Pachamama, I pray for your healing
May I soften into your wisdom
May I take great care of you so that my children
And my children’s children
May witness the beauty and abundance you offer me today.
Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, Star Nations
Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names
and you who are the unnamable One
thank you for bringing me here at this time.
It is instructed to take a few deep breaths to align before you begin the blessing. Face each direction as you read, holding your hand up to that direction. Keep your other palm open to receive. I sometimes put that palm on my heart. For Mother Earth, put one hand on the ground. For Father Sky, raise both hands to the sky. After each direction I pause and take a deep breath, really receiving the energy into my body.
It really realigns my energy. It’s quite magical.
If you’d like help, or more like this, you can schedule a 1:1 coaching session with me. I love to help people connect to the divine and find their magic again.