1:1 Coaching sessions
Dream it
Dream it 〰️
“Five months with Tracy and all of these doors opened up!”
Looking for change?
Lost your mojo?
Find yourself lost in this new phase of life?
Feeling bleh, heavy, anxious?
Maybe your life seems great but you just don’t feel great.
Feeling overwhelmed and out of control?
Maybe you need clarity on an issue that’s nagging at you.
Curious about meditation and want to try it out?
Just needing support right now? Someone to listen?
Any of that resonate?
It’s possible for you to make changes that create the life you want.
So what do we actually DO, Tracy?
It depends. I have a masters in counseling and have studied and practiced human behavior change for more than 30 years. That means I have a million tools in my tool shed. I draw from psychology, neuroscience and spirituality. The specifics are tailored to you, but here’s a small sampling of the possibilities:
heart math
spiritual ceremony & rituals
subconscious reprogramming
tapping (EFT)
personality profiles - Human Design, Enneagram, The Four Tendencies, etc
there’s more…but don’t worry, I know what tools to use when.
How does this work?
You click that purchase button down there and it’ll take you to a scheduling page where you can choose an appointment time.
Then it’ll prompt you to pay me.
I’ll email you a short questionnaire to help us zero in on our direction.
We’ll meet up on Zoom and get busy.
Sessions are $150 per hour. If you buy my 3-month package you save $100