I got a pneumonia! (*PSA below) And so did Scott and so did Ruby. I was the last to fall.
I don’t like being sick. I was miserable and missed some special events and I felt discouraged.
But here’s how I’m seeing it now:
It was a hard reset that I needed. It was a control/alt/delete for my brain. I had been feeling stuck in some thought patterns and this wiped the slate clean. My brain got emptied! I think the fever burned everything that was stuck in there. Like a wildfire.
I was so sick that I would just lay and stare. There were no thoughts, no ideas, no ruminations, no urges. It was blank.
As I slowly come back to life, I’m feeling a sense of relief. Things look and feel different. The landscape is clear and new sprouts are coming up, like in the forest after a fire.
I’m thinking about different things and in different ways. I’ve knocked out some tasks I had been dreading and procrastinating. They didn’t seem like a big deal. I have some new creative ideas for my business. They’re not coming in a fury, like a tornado, as is usually the case. They’re slowly poking up out of the scorched soil.
I’m definitely moving slower in every way and the pace feels nice. My physical body is still weak and depleted and I’m reveling in rest periods in the sun (don’t tell my dermatologist!) and a renewed feeling of connection with the Earth. Everything feels delicious.
Now that I’m on the other side of the misery of pneumonia, it feels like it was essential. We need hard resets periodically. I’d prefer an amazing vacation next time, but it showed up as pneumonia and I’ll accept the gift.
*PSA: We’ve been told by several providers that pneumonia is rampant in the Indy area right now. They’ve never seen anything like it and don’t really understand it. It’s not presenting as a secondary infection, but you have pneumonia right outta the gate. Lots of children are getting it, which is uncommon. If you have a fever and a cough, then consider asking for a chest x-ray. They did not hear Ruby or Scott’s with a stethoscope, but they are showing up on x-rays.
If you need a hard reset but want to pass on pneumonia, I can help with coaching and/or pranic healing. I’m not taking pranic healing clients this week because I’m still physically depleted and it’s contraindicated to try to heal in that condition, but I’ll be ready to roll August 27!
photo by my hubs