I have an intake form for new coaching clients. It gives me an idea of where you’re at even before our first coaching session. And it helps you gain clarity so that we can make the most of our time together.
I have noticed that simply filling out this form leads to so many revelations, and even change-making…before we even get started with coaching!
For my newest coaching client these questions sparked SEVEN pages of notes! So many insights & awarenesses came up for her.
I thought you might like to see them. So grab a pencil and at least 7 pieces of paper ;-). Here goes:
What do you need to let go of?
How is hanging on affecting you?
Why do you think you’re having trouble letting go?
What have you tried?
What is on the other side of letting go?
What do you want to get out of our time together?
Is there anything else that you want me to know?
Pretty simple questions that can help clear a log jam in your brain so that things can flow easier.
I hope these questions unlock some insights for you. If you’d like help once you get it all out, schedule a Discovery Zoom Call. It’s a free session. We’ll decide together where to go from there.
photo: AI generated via @lizsunshine on IG