Cricket Wisdom & Medicine

I have a wild and crazy and fun story about Cricket.

Over the last 3 years of City Cricket’s existence the symbolism and meaning of Cricket have continued to be revealed to me at deeper and deeper levels.

My husband came up with the name seemingly randomly. Of course we know nothing is random. But the name really resonated with me. I wasn’t totally sure why but I loved it. You can read about the first layer of the name story here. I won’t go into that today. This is about a deeper level that was just revealed to me.

This morning I was drawn to look up cricket in Alyson Charles’ book “Animal Power”. And HOLY MOLY batman…

Here’s what I found there:

The energy and symbolism of Cricket:

“desirable outcomes, good fortune, mystical song, frequency raising, courageous new heights, integrity, divine discernment.”

I feel that Cricket has led me into all of these qualities. And that is where I’m called to guide you. If you are called to step into the City Cricket space, this is what will happen there. This is what will unfold for you. This is why I’m here – to be the guide for you to evolve in these areas.

But wait! There’s more! A lot more. Back to Alyson’s message…

When to work with me (Cricket & Tracy):

“When you want to seize big opportunities, when you want to express your soul’s purpose, when you want to want to be filled with integrity, when you want high vibrations, when you need clarity on decisions, when you want to open your heart.”

This is what I wanted and needed for myself when I started City Cricket. I called in the energy of Cricket (unbeknownst to me until now) to help me deepen into each of these wants and needs.

This is what City Cricket offers you as well. It was like City Cricket was already in existence. I believe that. She was like a house that carried these vibrations, this wisdom, this medicine, these lessons, and I stepped into her. I’ve made my home here and gotten really cozy and I now invite you into this space to receive what she has to offer.

I invite you into this house, I serve you a special drink, I offer you the food I make with love, I give you a blanket and a comfortable place to sit, I have a candle burning. It smells good here. I am here as the person inviting you into this house that is City Cricket. But this space exists with or without me.

You know how you go into a space - a room, a house, a studio, a garden, a backyard - and you FEEL the personality and energy of the space? You can tell the owner/occupier/steward of the space has added their personality to it. You can feel their energy is there too. But you also somehow know that the space in and of itself is a living breathing thing. The person could not have created the same energy or qualities in a different location. It’s the combination of the human’s personality and the energy and qualities of the space that come together to create a new thing.

That’s how I see City Cricket.

Back to Alyson’s message from Cricket…

Cricket’s energy medicine:

“I am known for my voice and song. I help you find your voice and discover your unique song.

I am a protector of what is positive. Call upon me to bring forward a vibration-lifting experience in your life.

Transparency and integrity are my main medicines. I am here to remind you that it is better to be honest and real. Transparency is clear energy and provides a clear path. Manipulation and delusions create fog, chaos, and distortion. Staying true to what you know is right will always provide unexpected miracles.

I can help awaken your spiritual gifts, life dream analysis, chakra healing, aura or energy readings, and more. Call upon me when you’re ready to connect to your spiritual potential.

Are you expressing your heart? Are you holding back on love? Remember your true power and greatest guidance system live in your heart center. Don’t let them lay dormant.

Now is a ripe time of higher possibilities for you. What is presenting in your life that you should take the leap toward?”

As I’m reading this, I can feel Cricket talking to me back then, and now still. These have been my main areas of growth. This is a lifetime of evolving and shedding and calling in.

I also feel that I am saying these words to you. I am inviting you into the City Cricket space and this is what you will find here.

City Cricket is more than just me. It has my personality and flavor because I am the human occupying it. But the spirit of Cricket works through me and with you in this space.

Before every session with clients, and before I start my work in the morning, I say a prayer. I ask that Spirit work through me. I ask that I put my ego aside and that I become a pure channel for what wants to express through my human body that will serve your highest good.

If something called to you when reading this invitation, if you felt a knowing or a quickening in your body, trust that. It’s Cricket calling you. I invite you into the City Cricket house where I’ll serve you and nourish you. It would be my honor and pleasure to have you as my guest here.

photo cred: dmitry grigoriev, via