For years I have felt the energy of January as a bridge month. February 1st feels more like my new year. I vibe more with the Chinese on their new year date.
January is when I rest and doodle - energetically and literally. I purge and refresh everything. I dream and make plans. I don’t put pressure on January. I take the whole month to sink in and feel into what it is I want out of 2023, and beyond.
On The Celtic Wheel, we’re in Yule season – from December 21 – February 1. A time to rest and contemplate the dance of darkness and light.
A time to embrace the darkness: the space where new beginnings are born - humans, seeds in the ground, inspiration. The dark, quiet, sacred womb of creation. In the silence of the darkness we find necessary rest and introspection. In the darkness we are able to be renewed.
A time to welcome the coming light: faith in the future. Hope. New light brings new life. Expansion. Expression of our truth. In the light we feel the fire of our power.
How are you relating to the darkness and the light? What’s your January vibe?
I invite you to join our Celtic Wheel circles and/or work with me 1:1 if you’d like to dig deeper into your sacred cycles.