the celtic wheel

It all started way back when…

hundreds of years before Christ. The Celts were an ancient society scattered around modern day Europe. Their name, given by The Greeks, means “The Mysterious Ones” because their 3 fundamental tenants seemed strange to the Greeks. They were a matriarchal society, they had great reverence for the earth & they believed in the close proximity of the spirit world.

The Celts were a people very connected with nature. Seems like all of our ancestors were, right? They didn’t have a dial to control the climate in their nice energy efficient house. They couldn’t jump in their car and drive to the grocery store to get asparagus in December. They were naturally more connected with nature because they had no choice. But the Celts had a greater reverence for that connection it seems.

They recognized that they WERE nature, they were a part of it. These days we seem to look at nature as a thing that we appreciate and soak in on the weekends at the state park in our cool hiking shoes and fancy yet understated Prana pants. 

The Celtic Wheel is a way to GET INTO IT, not just walk along it’s surface. 

I remember visiting the Grand Canyon years ago and standing at the rim thinking – yes, this is amazing, but I need to get down IN IT to experience it. I wasn’t feeling anything. It almost felt like I was just looking at a picture until I really got down and dirty in it, communed with it. Not just standing and looking.

Back to those ancient Celts. So they created this calendar that marked 8 seasons in the year. Each season would kick off with a gathering and celebration. Community is important. It was then. It is now. We need more of it. 

They would have rituals to mark the season, traditional foods they pitched in - much like our modern day holidays, but they took it deeper. They had trees they honored each season, animals whose energy represented the energy of the season, they watched the patterns of the sky. They GOT IN IT!

Following the Celtic Wheel allows you to connect deeper with the natural world and recognize how what you observe there is also showing up inside of you. Because we’re all connected, right? It helps you to be more intentional about how you’re living. It brings a deeper awareness. It helps you to feel more grounded in something bigger than yourself. 

Each celebration on the wheel offers an opportunity to pause, reflect, connect, celebrate, and set intentions for the coming weeks.

I’ve been following the Celtic Wheel for a few years now and hosting gatherings for the festivals. It has deepened my connection with…well…everything really. I’m more aware of my inner energies (going slower to restore in the winter months), the plants that are just now beginning to bloom, the changing angle of the sun throughout the year, the various critters in my neighborhood and how they live. It delights me to watch our front porch chipmunk!

It has expanded me. It has rooted me. I have a feeling of being a part of this community of nature. 

It’s easy to feel isolated and alone in our modern society. If you’re craving connection and community, the Celtic Wheel is a beautiful antidote.

If you’d like to dive into the Celtic Wheel, I can help you through 1:1 coaching. I can also recommend some great books if reading is your thing - email me.

Here’s to deeper connection.

Celtic Wheel graphic from: