Let’s talk Celtic Wheel. Do you know about it? If not, check it out.
The Summer Solstice ushers in Litha Season on The Celtic Wheel. This juicy energy of Litha is with us until August 1. Litha is the season of
abundance, shining in full potential, flowering and blossoming
I love to use the Wheel to guide my awareness and attention through the seasons. It’s a way to elevate my perspective from my own little world and privileged problems to the larger world that I am a part of. It helps me to feel connected.
Intentionally noticing how the themes of the natural world are showing up in me helps me to feel more grounded.
As is true for the natural world, this is a time for us to bloom, to come alive in the light, to step into our fullness. It’s a time to shine brightly and give generously of our gifts and talents.
We can use this Litha energy to inspire us, to uplift us, to energize us. So how do you work with this energy?
I’m a journaling kinda gal- ever since Mrs Beck in sophomore year of high school introduced us to it. You may find these journal prompts helpful:
What parts of my beauty and purpose are ready to blossom?
How will I nurture that blossoming?
What are some ways that I can step into my fullest potential?
How can I shine? What does that look like?
How can I bring my best gifts to the world?
What abundance is being generously offered to me that I can accept with grace and ease?
I notice these many displays of abundance around me:
I also encourage you to set aside time to observe what’s going on in nature around you and how that is also happening, or could happen, in you. I do this outside in the mornings with some coffee.
Can you invite those themes into your life?
Do you feel a lightness? A sunny fire inside? Are you blooming with ideas? Are you appreciating all of the abundance around you?
How can YOU dance with the energy of Litha season? Have fun with it! It’s here to support you. How can you embrace it?
photo cred: my hubs. ultimate bee-lover.