Ostara Season

We enter the season of Ostara on The Celtic Wheel this Tuesday, March 19, The Spring Equinox.

Ostara is about new beginnings, birth and renewal, planting seeds- spiritually, mentally and physically.

The energy of this season is about coming alive, expansion and fully embracing your YES!

New cycles begin. There is a sense of endless potential.

Where do you want to turn your attention in this next cycle? What new beginning is calling you? What wants to come alive? How can you express your YES!?

For the next 6 weeks we are invited to notice and explore the themes of the natural world and how they are reflected in us. The natural world is a mirror for us. As without, so within.

If you’d like to dig into these seasonal themes more deeply, and in community, join my Ostara Zoom group on 3/27/24. I’d love to have you in the circle.