Imbolc Is Coming!

There are a few spiritual practices that I keep returning to because they ground and center me so much. One practice I LOVE is following The Celtic Wheel Of The Year.

The Wheel divides the year into 8 seasons. We are encouraged to look to nature for cues about how to come into alignment; to explore and model our inner life to align with the energies of the season.

Imbolc season starts February 1. It’s mid-winter, half way between the winter solstice and spring equinox. It may be my favorite season on The Wheel. It’s about new beginnings. And I do love me a new beginning!

It’s a time of hope. The promise of renewal. The excitement of potential.

We’re beginning to gather and plant the seeds for the next season.

We’re invited to reflect: What new beginnings are calling me? What is asking for my attention?

It’s a time for clearing and resetting of the mind and heart. Allowing inspiration to enter for the new cycle. Just basking, marinating. It’s not so much about “doing”.

We’re starting to stir from our sleepy dark winter slumber. Slowly. Like we’re just rolling over in bed, not even stretching yet. We’re staying in our cozy spot. Dreaming and planning. Listening. Feeling into what’s next.  

If you’d like some guidance on moving through this Imbolc season with intention, soulfulness & some witchy magic, schedule a discovery call with me and we’ll work out a juicy plan for you!

photo by my hubs