Autumn Equinox & Mabon Season

Friday Sept 22 is the Autumn Equinox and opens Mabon Season on The Celtic Wheel (read about The Celtic Wheel here).

The invitation is to look to nature - what do you see happening and how is that reflected in us?

What are the animals doing? What are the plants doing? How is the light shifting?

We ARE part of nature after all, though our modern lives require us to be more intentional about our connection.

I find that making this intentional effort helps to ground me, to give me more energy, and helps me to feel a part of something bigger than my little modern busy life.

Here are a few themes and invitations for internal exploration:

  • The light & dark are in perfect balance on the Equinox.

    • Where would you like more balance or realignment right now?

  • We’re on the cusp of transition - the air is changing, the plants are transforming, the temps are cooling.

    • What transition is happening in you?

    • What do you want to change in your life?

  • The natural world is moving towards completion. The growing season is nearing an end. The season of rest and regeneration is coming.

    • What do you need to complete?

    • How would you like to welcome more rest after the activities of summer?

  • The animals are preparing for the winter- gathering food, making warm nests.

    • How can you prepare a warm winter nest for rest, peace and reflection?

    • Are there plants that you’d like to gather for winter nourishment? Maybe making a flower essence, fire cider, or an immune boosting winter tonic? I’ve been busy with this one. Would love to share some recipes! If you’re interested, reply to this email.

  • Trees are dropping leaves – releasing. In order for new growth to happen in the spring, things must die in the autumn.

    • What would you like to let go of in order to make room for new life and growth?

    • What do you no longer need?

Here’s to more intentional connection to nature, which leads to a feeling of connection with ALL things. As always, if you’d like help, schedule a discovery call and we can talk about how I might best support you.