I was instructed by The Grandmothers this morning that they had a message for me in Book 1 (A Call to Power, The Grandmothers Speak. By Sharon McErlane). If you haven’t heard me talk about these spiritual guides, you can read the background here.
In this story Sharon, the author, did a Shamanic journey to The Grandmothers for relief from a 2-week bout of unexplained depression and anxiety. Her description of the anxiety made me giggle: “My mind is just full of itself.”
Here’s the story:
“The Grandmothers comforting arms closed round me and they created a cocoon and swung me back and forth inside it. Then one of them reached inside my body and extracted something from my middle. I watched as she pulled out a black, insect-like thing whose barbed pincers had been stabbing at me. This crawly thing had created my depression. It had made everything in me hurt and feel somehow wrong.
Then they pulled something else out of my stomach. I heard a sound like “pow!” as air whooshed from my lungs and another black thing exploded out of me. I watched them plunge in through my spine and fling dark objects into the air.
After a few minutes my breath grew calm and I heard myself say, The Grandmothers are breathing power into me.
This stuff, the cause of my misery, had been so well hidden that I hadn’t known it was there. My training as a therapist had taught me to believe that the pain of unresolved issues from childhood is what causes most depression and anxiety. But the black things The Grandmothers were pulling out of me went way beyond this explanation. I had no understanding of this stuff. It was primitive, primordial.
‘That’s enough for now’, they said. ‘This is just garbage from the past.’ These black things had originated in lifetimes long, long ago.
‘You must be strengthened’, they said. ‘Your aura, your bones, vertebrae, digestion and breathing. Let the power of your garden heal and fill you. It will strengthen you.’
Y’ALL!!! THIS IS PRANIC HEALING!! We’re extracting the energetic junk that gets in the way of the normal flow of prana (life force energy). This “garbage from the past”, as the Grandmothers call it, can come from previous lifetimes, from this lifetime, from negative thought patterns, from other people, from toxins in the environment, and who knows where else really. There is an element of mystery here. But it works!
When our energetic flow is blocked, our body, mind and emotions suffer. Removing this junk strengthens our aura (the energetic protective layer around your body) and all other bodily functions so that everything flows with more ease.
My clients have reported feeling physical changes, pain relief, emotional shifts, increased creativity, opportunities coming, clarity, messages from their guides, money, increased energy, among others. It’s astonishing! Wanna try it? Skip on over to my pranic healing page to schedule a session.