Do you have something inside of you that’s wanting to express? Maybe it doesn’t make logical sense so you ignore it. Or it’s inconvenient. Or you have other “more important” things to do.
This is one of my drawings I did when I FINALLY signed up for that charcoal drawing class I had been wanting to do for ever. Like years. Literally. I had been thinking about doing it for years. Since college.
It didn’t seem to make sense to do it at the time. Logically a million other things were “more important”. But it kept calling me.
When I finally answered the call and signed up for the class the pay-off was huge.
The energy and creativity and joy I got from that class gave me jet fuel for other things in life.
It gave me life and vitality.
As Brene Brown says: “Unused creativity is not benign. It turns to grief, rage, judgment, sorrow & shame.”
Do you have something that’s calling you? Something that wants to come out, to express?
Now is the time.