I had an awesome brunch with an old friend the other day. It had been years since we’d been together and we hadn’t had a real and deep conversation in a long time.
We only had 2 hours together, so as I contemplated our brunch, I was clear I didn’t want to waste a second. Small talk be damned. Gots no time for that nonsense!
So I came with an agenda because I’m funny like that. But he’s my friend and knows the ways that I’m funny/weird, so he loved it and we dove right into the deep end.
It was not only fun for the two of us, but I came home and asked my husband these questions too. It lead to a really wonderful conversation with him as well. Here are my questions:
3 most significant events of the last 10 years
What are you excited about right now?
Biggest challenge right now
What’s next?
He sent me a text later that day and said: “Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the breakfast this morning. It was incredibly healing and 100% delightful.”
THAT was what I had hoped for from our time together. And we both got it.
You can borrow my questions if you want! OOOOhhhh…what fun would this be at dinner party?!