I got this message from a 1:1 coaching client and it made my day:
“Just wanted to say thanks again for today. I know I was a bit all over the place and unstructured, but after a tough couple weeks, the time was absolutely what I needed. I definitely didn’t feel exhausted and not wanting to work on me. Please know that you make a difference. I’m grateful for you and our sessions.”
Sometimes we need to let go of the structure. We need to allow ourselves to be “all over the place.” We just need to talk and laugh with no agenda.
One of the tid bits we uncovered in our coaching session was that my client has decision fatigue. They have been in a volatile, stressful, and every-changing job for a year. It requires constant problem solving and shifting of plans. They said they feel like it’s a new job every single day and they can’t settle in.
Constant fast-paced decision making for 8+ hours a day makes one tired! This has undoubtedly amped up the anxiety they feel, which we are addressing through breath techniques and mindset. And it’s working!
But my client has had a few weeks of just being tired of the effort. Tired of trying. Tired of everything.
And I can relate! How about you?
So in our session we ambled about in our conversation, we shared stories and laughed. It was exactly what my client needed. There were a few ah-has, and lots of laughs.
We talked about finding ease. They decided to ease up on their normal rigorous running/training schedule. It was feeling like another job, instead of an enjoyable stress release.
And same for coaching - it should not feel like another exhausting job. You should not dread having to “work on yourself”. This stuff should be FUN! Coaching IS FUN!
I’ve been feeling the same way as my client in the last week or so. The people in our lives are always a mirror for us.
I shared with a friend that one day last week all I wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch Netflix all day but I didn’t allow myself to do it. She said – DO IT!! That was clearly what I needed and I heard that message loud and clear. I bet I would have bounced back to my normal vital self faster had I allowed it, instead of all the pushing forward and efforting.
Another friend told me an unbelievable story last week about how he ended up in an interaction with ELTON JOHN many years ago. Elton told him:
“You take yourself way too seriously! You need to lighten the fuck up!”
Elton. I love you.
Again…mirrors being held up before me. I AM GETTING THE MESSAGE!
So the next time you’re feeling exhausted, all over place, unstructured, look for what could offer you some ease. Maybe not what you think you “should” do. Not “working on yourself”, not the “healthy” or “right” thing. Maybe what you (I) need is some good ole indulgence: An ice cream sundae? A day off to watch Netflix? An afternoon of thrifting? Yeah do that! It can be just as good for you as that yoga session, the meditation, or the green juice.
If you’d like some help finding more ease, I would love to work with you 1:1. Navigate to “1:1” at the top of my page and we can talk about how we might work together to get you where you want to be.
And sometimes the answer may be eating ice cream while you watch The Bridgertons for 8 hours!
Excuse me while I go do that…