I Had A Dream


I had a dream last night: I lived in an apartment building with my family, very high up.  It was in the middle of a city that looked war-ravaged.  The building was only 1/2 standing and the excavation crew was there with a wrecking ball to finish bringing it all down.  I asked one guy to wait while we went inside to get what we could of our belongings.  I wasn't sure he would would tell the right people, so it was a scramble to get in and get what I could before the building started falling.  I was panicked.  It was a race against the clock.  I am literally sweating right now, as I type this!  I was frantically sorting things and putting them in piles - keep this, don't need this, pack this in that.  I went to check on the machinery at one point and the side of the building was gone, exposing our apartment to the dark, wet night.  The floor was sloping and crumbling, and slippery.  I was trying to grab the dogs because they were so close to the edge.  What else do I need?  What do I let go of?  Everything was literally falling apart.  

Exactly, of course, what is happening in the world.  So many things are crumbling.

I was instructed to draw a card in meditation this morning.  I've been working with a new deck, Alana Fairchild's White Light Oracle.  And I LOOOOVE it.  Here's what the card said:  "It is time to let go.  Things are working out in their own way.  Trust that your heart is wise and is leading you on a soul-healing journey, and the right spiritual path.  Spirit wants to bring you a blessing and a resolution, but you must let go and allow it to happen.  Events are unfolding according to a higher plan.  Even if your plans are going awry, know that all will come together at the right time and in the best way possible.  Surrender your struggle and hold on to your faith."

I see so many applications of this card in my life.  So many places where I need to let go.  So many places where I need to trust.  This time in the world is a wonderful opportunity to work on surrendering my struggle and holding onto faith.  I'm looking for what I can let go of.  Where I can stop grasping for control.  I'm looking to practice more trust and faith.

Sending you love, and hoping that you're finding the blessings in this dismantling.