What Are The Gifts And Lessons


Isn't this pandemic rollercoaster ride interesting?  

I was listening to The Balanced Blonde podcast yesterday and she said this:  "Get quiet, take some deep breaths, and ask your higher self - your all knowing, strong and calm self:  what are the positives of this situation?  What are the gifts and the lessons we are here to learn?"

I am committed to asking myself this daily.  Don't get me wrong - I'm going to feel all the feelings - fear, anger, confusion...  I'm going to read the updates from reliable sources so I can stay informed.  Because when we know better, we can do better.  I will not put on rose colored glasses and ignore reality and pretend like everything is fine.  People are struggling, people are hurting, people are dying.  There is a lot of pain.  But I also know for certain, from experience, that really painful times bring needed change.  That has always been true for me.  I am determined to see the bigger picture, what needs to be changed, and to see what I can do to help usher in a better world on the other side of this, and during this...because who knows when we'll be on the other side, so might as well get busy now.

Check out my video on my City Cricket Coaching IG or Facebook pages, or on youtube, to see the goddess oracle card that I drew today - Pele.  "Pele shows us that fire can purify, release us from the old to make way for the new..."  That's what is happening.  The old systems are crumbling and that will make room for the new.  There is so much opportunity to create right now.  How can we, personally, contribute?

My likes and learns from yesterday:


  • Barbara Manley's video posted by Playful Soul.  She is a lovely person and I felt so much better after doing this short and simple tapping video with her.  If you don't know Barb, she was a nurse for many years in Indy and then moved to CA to work with Deepak Chopra at his center for 7 years, and has trained with many other big names in the spiritual world.  She is one of the most joyful people I know.  Even just watching her videos brings a smile.  Fun fact:  I kissed her son once ;-).


  • The power of a simple walk together...Ruby and I, at her suggestion, walked to our old (but still ours, pending 4/9 closing) house on Broadway yesterday to hunt for the feral kitten litter - please Jesus Mary and Joseph, don't let her find them!  I purposefully don't look, because fostering one feral kitten litter was enough for me, but I enjoy the time walking with Ruby.  It was AWESOME.  While walking that far KILLS my old lady/autoimmuned knees and hips, the pain was so worth it.  She talked THE ENTIRE TIME, which is not the norm these days for my sweet almost-teenager.  It was the highlight of my day.

I hope you are finding some joy and creativity during this time.  Sending you love and light.

*Drawing by my niece, the magical Madison Tomes, circa 2015.