Messages and support come in many different forms.
But a drawing of Snoopy on a post it note on the floor in the corner of a coffee shop?
Yes, even that.
First a little backstory:
I was in a coaching session with a client last week at a coffee shop. He has been struggling with a job search. He doesn’t like his job but has been dragging his feet on taking action to make changes.
He had a recent breakthrough realization that some people actually ENJOY their job and that maybe he should not just look for a job that doesn’t suck (this is why he was dragging his feet btw), but what if he could have a job he actually enjoyed? This is a big jump for him.
So for a few weeks he has been dreaming – that’s the first step: What does he like to do? What is he good at? What does he do that he loves to do but doesn’t get paid for? What do people tell him he’s good at? What comes naturally to him? What does he read about? What does he lose himself in?
Now back to Snoopy:
In the middle of our session, as we’re talking about these questions and his list, he says – “I hate to interrupt but there is this sticky note on the floor in the corner behind you with a drawing of Snoopy on it. I don’t know why I feel I need to tell you that.” We laughed. We moved on.
But I believe there are no accidents or coincidences so I made a note – “Snoopy message?”
When I circled back around to study Snoopy a little deeper, I was ASTOUNDED at what I found! Get this:
“Snoopy imagines himself to speak, but never actually does. He has very articulate thoughts but they are not verbalized. He’s loyal, imaginative, and good-natured. On the whole, he shows great love, care, and loyalty. He is obsessed with cookies.”
I could write my client’s name in place of Snoopy and it would perfectly describe him!
There’s more…
“The moral of Snoopy is that big dreams lead to big things. Snoopy was the biggest dreamer of them all. His wild imagination often led to even wilder, more fantastic adventures in real life. Snoopy knew that you must have a big dream if you are going to lead a big life.”
EXACTLY the topic of our coaching the last few sessions!
And the icing on the cake - I found The Top 10 Lessons from Snoopy (from the International Reading Association):
1. It’s ok to be afraid. Just don’t let your fears control you.
2. Persistence wins out.
3. It’s what you think of yourself that counts.
4. Sometimes you need to talk.
5. Sometimes you need to listen.
6. Do what you love to do.
7. It’s important to have friends that care.
8. Big dreams lead to big things.
9. Action creates reality.
10. Laugh every day!
This list…I could have labeled it “Top 10 Lessons From Our Coaching” and it would have fit! Maybe he could have just watched Snoopy videos instead of working with me?? Prob not. IDK, sounds like Snoopy knows what’s up.
And the very very best part: When I shared all this with my client, he said: “Snoopy was my go-to as a little boy. Had about a million different snoopy stuffed animals. Bed sheets. Halloween costumes. I still have a lot of snoopy Xmas decorations.”
WHAT?! Amazing.
Divine messages and support are everywhere if we pay attention. Even in a Snoopy drawing on a post it note on the floor in the corner of a coffee shop. The Divine is clever and she has a sense of humor. She sends messages wrapped up in the ways we can best receive them.
So here’s to Snoopy and his #1 message: BIG DREAMS LEAD TO BIG THINGS.
Amen brother Snoop-dog!
photo by cesar parcero