The End Of An Era

This past week has been a transformative time for me. 

  • I took the next level pranic healing class, which is focused on developing our spiritual practice so that we can be clearer channels and therefore stronger healers. It shifted things at a cellular level. 

  • And then Tuesday’s full moon energy - whoa!

  • And the activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal tomorrow…

Whamy! Wowza!

Here's how it has unfolded…

My 16yo daughter, who has not been in a school building since 4th grade because of her autoimmune disease PANDAS, decided to go to high school…in a building! And she’s well enough! And she’s thriving. She started last week. It’s a big deal for all of us.

Then the year 2015 came to me a few different times:

  • I have a Sleep Number bed and a part failed which has resulted in my side of the bed losing air! I end up sleeping on the slats. It’s like camping (the bad parts). When I called to get a replacement part they told me we got it in 2015.

  • Then Scott and I were talking about a local artist that we loved who passed several years ago, Susan Hodgins. We loved her work and have regretted not buying one of her paintings. Then, 2 days later we were in a local shop and saw one of her paintings! There was a note beside it saying that she passed in 2015 and that The Harrison Arts Center was entrusted with her work, which you can purchase!  

I have since found out that Susan actually passed in 2014, but this got me to thinking about what was up with 2015?! So I grabbed my phone and looked at my Notes app for clues about what was going on with me in 2015. 

I found some interesting things:

  • I started recording Ruby’s symptoms and illness patterns that year. It was a rough one. Full of confusion and fear.

  • I was introduced to the work of a local TCM doctor who has since become a friend, a mentor, and a frequency activator for me.

  • I sent a text to a friend about some ideas that would later become City Cricket!

  • I met one of my best friends

Then I realized that 2015 was 8 years ago. So I started researching the significance of the number 8:

  • Spiritual balance and symmetry

  • Karmic patterns

  • A symbol of gain – wisdom, strength, abundance, success

  • In religious texts it symbolizes the beginning of a new era, a re-birth

I think the Lions Gate portal tomorrow (8/8) is ushering in a new era for me. All of these signs point me to that truth. And I FEEEEEEEL it! 

And pulling in the significance of my bed: the way I am held and supported, the way I rest and regenerate – I’m getting an upgrade, a new part.

Then I was called to do a tarot spread: the past era, where I am now, and the next era

Past Era - Two of Swords: “Inner conflict, the strategies you have in place are unsustainable, you are managing skillfully but will soon be exhausted, you must do something, the issue can no longer be ignored. Pause, take inventory and find your way through this struggle” 

Ummmm…YUP! Definitely the themes of the last 8 years.

Present – Ten of Swords: “Final release, surrendered, exposed. A new beginning! You have a view that you have struggled with long enough, it has grown old and is no longer useful. Surrender these ideas to create space for something new, it will change your life.” 

This has prompted me to list what old patterns and ideas, ways of thinking and being, do I want to release?

Next Era – Wheel of Fortune: “Unexpected change. Life is never predictable, change is inevitable and necessary. Sometimes we are summiting the mountain and sometimes we are trudging through the valley. It is simply life. Good fortune, unforeseen joy, forward movement.”

I’ll take that.

So here we are. The end of an era. The beginning of the unknown. I feel supported and ready. 

And I JUST CAN’T close this without pointing out that Taylor Swift is on her “Eras Tour”!!!!! Coincidence? I don’t think so ;-).