Easy Does It

Easy does it!

I got that same message from 3 different sources in 2 days! 

First, I drew the goddess card Oonagh:

“Easy does it. There is no need to hurry or force things to happen. everything is occurring in perfect timing. Call on Oonagh to guide your transitions in creative and magical ways. Make time for the relationships and projects that speak to your heart. Do what’s important to you with absolute devotion. There’s no competition for your true life’s purpose so there is no need to worry, hurry or feel that you have to force things to happen.”

The next day, The Grandmothers told me to open to a page 98 in Book 1:

“Take it EASY. Let us do the work. You must go at the right pace. The right pace is full of grace, as a bird in flight. Everything in its right time. The proper rhythm is never hurried. In nature there is no hurry. Life grows as the seasons come and go. Plants and animals that are forced to grow fast are not healthy, do not live long, do not bear well. This is very wrong. Rushing human beings - this is very wrong. Each according to its own design. A natural pace, one in rhythm with the flow of life. Yes.”

A few hours later I turned on my favorite podcast, The Line, to listen to the September energy message:

“Gentle. Rhythm and flow. Gentle is how you will go. It may feel tight at times. There will be a push and a stretch but gentle is all you need to know. Take space. Take breaths. You are floating, not swimming. Floating along as the water moves back and forth, to and fro. The moment you start to use effort, you are swimming. There is a current that will take you and make it more difficult. So just release, let go, and trust that you will flow. Lying on your back, soaking up the sun, feeling the support beneath you. You are one with it all. Breathing in harmony. Gentle release. Observe, see, feel, hear, touch. Then release. The guidance you receive shows you the way. There is no need to doubt. You do not need to control. The more you release and trust and flow, the more you step down this golden path of destiny leading you home. Let go and float. This is light. Just float.”

Obviously, I’m being called to explore how I can show up with more ease. 

  • How can I bring ease into everything this season?

  • How can I let The Divine guide my work, instead of pushing?

  • How can I receive?

  • How can I allow flow?

I can still DO. I’m not feeling like this means to lay on the couch and watch movies - although there are times for that! 

I have lived alot in the misconception that “work” has to be hard and exhausting, and that rest has to be lying on the couch doing nothing. 

I’m relearning and redefining what work and rest mean for me. Because I get to choose. Here’s to the exploration of “doing” with ease!