I Had A Dream

So I found myself in the back seat of a canoe sailing down I-65, which was flooded into a fast-moving river. There were 8 of us and I didn’t know any of them. We were making our way north from Indy to my hometown. We were going super-fast with no oars in the water. There was no steering, we were just flying along. 

You’re already seeing how this relates to my real life, aren’t you?

I suddenly realized that no one was paying attention. Who was in charge here? Did I need to take charge? Was I SUPPOSED to be in charge? I voiced that I hadn’t been paying attention to our location and we may have passed the exit. The river was so high and fast and I was in the back and it was hard to see the signs. I asked everyone to pay attention to the signs. No one was. Dang.

I decided to exit us off at the next opportunity so we could stop and evaluate the situation. A gas station attendant type person told us that we had long since passed our exit and we were in a town I had never heard of. I decided to take charge and directed us to a parking lot. I told the group we needed to call someone to come and get us and somehow get this huge canoe back to the city. Who has a cell phone? Dumb looks at each other. No one has their phone. Who has money for a pay phone (do those even exist anymore)? Blank stares. No money. Furthermore, our clothes were soaking wet and we had no shoes. We had zero resources. And darkness had just fallen.

We realized then that we were in the parking lot of a huge church and people were streaming in for the service that was about to begin. I said we needed to go inside and find a phone and ask for help. As we walked inside, someone handed me money, thinking we were homeless. I wondered again- was I in charge? I didn’t really want to be but it was increasingly apparent that no one else was taking the lead or really doing anything to get us out of this predicament.

My group found a pew where they settled in for the service. I was infuriated! You’re just going to SIT HERE!? I realized AGAIN at that point that I needed to take the lead. “We have to call our people and let them know we’re ok. They’ll be worried! It’s dark now and we have to find a way home. Who has a car that can hold all of us? Who has a truck for the canoe?” I started problem solving and taking charge and directing. I felt confident then. And capable. I was a reluctant leader, but I stepped up when no one else was. I was effective. I started feeling hopeful because I was able to manifest money. I didn’t even ask. It was just GIVEN TO ME once I got clear on what needed to be done. Then one guy in the group came back with some other helpful resources, like a map. 

Around this time, I woke up. My take-aways were many, but here are a few key points that I think we can all relate to: 

  • I have been feeling depleted and disconnected the past week or so. You ever feel that way? Too many things on my calendar and I can’t keep up - like I’m in the back seat of a run-away canoe on a high and fast river. But hey- I’m in charge here! This is MY life and I’m the leader of it. I can pull off and stop. I can regroup and make a plan. 

  • I looked up the significance of the number 8 since I noted in my dream that there were 8 of us in the group. Here’s what I found…I can’t make this shit up, people! “8 symbolizes balance and inner stability. It is a message from angels that you need to settle things in your head and make peace with yourself. That's the only way to make spiritual progress in your life. It signifies hope, new horizons, and bright future.”

  • When I step up and take charge of my life, I can see what needs to be done and make it happen. Once I embraced that role, once I got out of the (literal) back seat and engaged, things started moving forward. 

  • I am capable of gathering resources. Even when I feel like I have none, they always appear. I can manifest what I need. I needed money and someone just handed it to me. That simple. Once I got clear on what needed to happen, things began to fall into place. All it takes is attention and intention.

Sometimes life is a high fast river. Sometimes we get swept away to parts unknown. But we’re in charge. When we realize that, and assume that role in our life, things happen. So here’s to clarity, realizing we’re not alone and resources are not scarce. Here’s to new horizons and inner stability.

If you could use some help and accountability with these concepts, head on over to my events page, check out our Soul Circles, or consider 1:1 coaching with me. You’ll find all those links at the top of my home page.