I have a secret. I do not hate 2020. And I do not long to “get back to normal.” Normal kind of sucked. I like that 2020 has rocked this world, that it has rocked each of us in our own unique ways. It has caused awakenings of all sorts, and awareness on so many different levels. Lots of pain, yes. But pain brings the opportunity for radical growth. And I love that. 2020 has exposed systems and structures that need to be demolished and rebuilt – within ourselves and in the outer world. It has shown us what needs tending to. It has shown us different perspectives that we may not have considered before. We needed to see a different way, a new perspective. We needed to be awakened from our slumber. And now that we have, what will we each do with it? Will we resist? Will we long for the past, for “normal”? Will we shift and change? Will we see another way for ourselves and our world? Will we create a new way? What are we each going to do with what 2020 has brought us?