Conscious Communication Workshop


Conscious Communication Workshop


*This is an in-person event. If you’d like a Zoom option, LMK. I will offer that if I have enough interest.

Have trouble expressing your feelings, thoughts and desires?

Don’t know what you want?

Hate conflict so you just keep quiet?

Do you stifle difficult conversations until you blow up?

Then you need this workshop!

I’ll teach a simple tool for clear communication. You’ll get clarity on what you feel, think and want. And learn to clearly express it without sugar coating or creating drama.

This method de-escalates tension and defensiveness. It creates space for dialog and connection.

This is a hands-on workshop. You’ll learn the tool and then we’ll practice it together. No role playing. I hate role playing! We’ll do real-life practice with your real-life situations. Bring a difficult conversation that you need to have, or something you’re confused about, and we’ll work on it together.

You’ll leave feeling empowered and confident in your new skills.

Date: Friday April 12

Time: 6:30 - 8pm

Place: Body by Gym Roots Studio. 11952 Fishers Crossing Drive, Fishers IN

Price: $25

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